I got a new Mac. My first laptop ... my very own "precious" :) (read LOTR). This was something I had my eyes on from the very first semester. The interface, the genie effects of windows coming to the forefront and then disappearing when you minimize them had taken my breath away long back. But I could never get myself to actually possess one - there were so many reviews.... mostly about difficulty of use and incompatibility.
Believe me, the first day/night I was playing around with it, I realized that Yahoo and Google Talk did not have voice chat compatible versions for Mac. And since the majority of my time/energy revloves around chat, I was ready to throw the new acquisition at the wall.
But then came programming, thats the second most time/energy consumer, (considering I am in computer science - it had to be) and you have no idea about the comfortable position it has there. Since Mac is a unix based OS and all our programming is on that, I for the first time have the ease of use of Eclipse on my laptop. And you have absolutely no idea, just how much power shell programming gives you.
Enough of raving about my Mac. :) But I simply can't wait to get home all the time just to see and use it. New found love :)................. and I have to keep a note of Mac's birthday here else I am bound to forget - April 3rd, 2007.
p.s: 38 to go and counting....
Congratulations!! Mac OS sure is much better than Windows OS and the notebook sure is a pretty thing. I agree there are quite a few problems like the ones you mentioned and compatibility issues and lesser number of softwares/apps available than windows but I think it crashes less and is more spyware/virus resistant (IMHO - Thanks to not using .exe files). Over all a much robust OS and I think and the new Leopard OS is pretty cool.
Btw, didn't know you had the habit of throwing things at the wall (-:
Great choice -- Congrats! I have always been wanting to own one but has never worked out yet (envy you!), like many other things :). The part I love about a Mac is you don't need a dual boot system if you have to switch to Windows sometimes. Its both Unix and Windows in one package. About shell programming, I can believe you how many things you can accomplish with it. All my due respects to originators of "tcsh", "grep" and "sed". Even going by your blog name, you seem to be a die hard fan of Apple in general. Happy Macing!! :)
This seems to be a place for the computer geeks..but I think I will go ahead and prove myself to be a village idiot anyway....Shell... .exe all that mean nothing to me..all I care is if Gtalk doesnt run then it isnt worth it:-)But since you found your first love, congrats...:)
I totally totally agree with you that you cant help falling in love with Mac. Like you i too got a new mac book :).And as far as Gtalk is concerned , you can run it using ur IChat , Jabber client. Works perfectly fine.
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