Friday, May 20, 2011

A Tribute

As a little girl I always dreamed of making a stage appearance - bowing in front of thunderous applause and shining in the limelight. (no, don't call me attention crazy yet :P)
Anyway so I think I always mentally have had this speech ready and whether you like it or not - you get to be my practice audience. :P

Well what better day to say this than the eve of my 30th birthday - as all speeches go I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart everybody who has touched my life in some way or the other. I realize today that people like you are so rare - I wish, when I had the opportunity that I had treasured those fleeting moments more - of your companionship or your kindness or your love or your friendship or your smile. Everybody including those strangers or even chance acquaintances, who went out of their way to not snub or look down upon or show their contempt, but instead to lift another, to make another life better, to share and to grow and to make another welcome - your thoughts and acts are remembered and cherished.

At a juncture when I have suffered meanness, discrimination and injustice, it is easier for me to fall back on all those memories. By no means do I consider myself poorer for having gone through these experiences, but I wish I could be given the chance to recreate the happier memories in my life. As for Joy, and my family who continue to support me and bear with my unrelenting rants - I promise and hope that I can treasure you forever. My greatest and best birthday gift will always be just that - your love.

In the past few days of countdown to my 30th birthday, I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Whether when I woke up on my birthday - I would have another broken tooth, another gray hair or another wrinkle appearing from nowhere (not that any of these exist in reality :)).But even though nothing earth shattering is going to happen tomorrow, except perhaps the doom day prophecy coming true - yes tomorrow is supposed to be the day - I wanted to end on this note - with a tribute to all of you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wish you many many happy returns of the day and have a wonderful year ahead... :)
~ may 21, 2011 ~