We are having friends over for the countdown to new year. Space Needle is a glance away and I have read they countdown by moving the elevators up each floor and having fireworks from all around which ultimately culminates at the very top.
But I am digressing, this year has been quite the high and the low. It started in Paris :). Then continued with a personal achievements, personal downfalls, successes, failures, traveling no end and enjoying some of the most scenic places.......and ending in Seattle.
Apart from everything above, the thing I am most happy about is that I was finally able to escape some sort of shell and rediscover myself through my hobbies. You will not believe the amount of reading I have been able to complete, all thanks to the brilliant service at Seattle Public Library. Here is the list:
Twilight Saga : twilight, eclipse, new moon and breaking dawn
Water for elephants
Audacity of Hope
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle
I also changed my blog template. Actually I was trying to enable the Amazon associates search bars, and you need to upgrade your template for that. I still have my old lonely chair template saved somewhere though. I need to restore that or come up with a brand new one. I happened to be searching on the net for blog templates and surprise surprise, I found even this is a business (check out Artisteer )
Getting back to new year resolutions: that's an easy one:
- Lose weight
- Be positive
- As always Conquer the world :) : and by that I mean someday you will be forced to read a book written by me.... :)
76 days since your last blog...
waiting for the book written by you... 109 days since ur last blog...
During an assignment I had to take the part of relaxation coach. And one of the resons for depression is stress. Try smelling lavender, exersising, taking a time out, reading if you wake up in the middle of the night. And all should be fine if not im sorry!
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