Saturday, September 15, 2007

Gone in 20 minutes

Thats how fast I lost my wisdom tooth today. I have had tooth problems since forever. Sometimes I marvel that they all just didn't fall out when I became 20. But they are hanging in there and so was one of my wisdom teeth, which was the only one which had fully surfaced. But with the kind of tear and wear that good food, non-vegetarianism, chicken brings in its wake, the tooth had lost half of itself. And believe me, I really didn't care, even though the tooth had come out facing the cheek.
I would have let it hang in there for eternity come, despite innumerable requests from maa and all my well-wishers to set up a dentist appointment. But just that, it kept me awake for the most part of the night , two nights ago, I just couldn't let sleeping teeth be.
So when today, during what I thought would be a routine advisory type of dentist checkup, he told me that the tooth had to go and if he could remove it, all I did was just nod my head. I was scared, I even asked him whether it was not necessary that someone else be present after the extraction and he nodded a no through all my queries.
And they went ahead with local anaesthesia, and then struggling with forceps to get the tooth pulled out. So as I sit writing, minus one wisdom tooth, I am mighty proud of myself for having had a tooth extracted, gone in that partially anaethesized state to the local pharmacy and bought pain-killers, gone back to work and sat through the day biting a gauze strip to stop the bleeding.

Not the end of it, I even went over to Saumitrada and Maitreyeedi (my family friend's in Redmond) place for dinner and ended up hogging on Mutton Rezala and semi-solid rice, and rice pudding or payesh. Very eventful day.... infact the funniest thing was that since past 2 days, I had been totally down with cold and fever. After the tooth extraction and the adrenalin jump because of the whole episode, my cold did an entire disappearing act. I can't believe colds can get scared ... but I have no other reasonable, logical, rational explanation. :)

Anyway, I am not in any hurry for the effect of pain-killers to wear off....... but tomorrow is another day ... and for all reality, I am on a semi-solid diet, which..... includes ice-cream ...and hence I could wish for nothing more :)


suman said...

The best thing you can get a dentist to do to you is a 'root-canal' without anesthesia. Too much ice-cream now may give you the chance. Yeah, I am feeling a little sadistic :D

Alex said...

:) proud of you.. send a snap!

shriram said...

Did any drops of wisdom drain out as well??I hope not.:-)