I have a quiz scheduled tomorrow and for once (no actually like always), I am in no mood to study. So I watched two movies in a row ...thanks to Niyanta. Taxi number 9-2-11 and Water... diametrically opposite movies .....one lightens your mood and the other puts it in depressive mode. The only thing common in both was John Abraham. :) But I liked both .......... only I wish the order in which I watched them had been reversed,.......... water has totally put me off color.
Given that, I suddenly realized the thing called responsibility which for so many days I had not even considered as a speck in the horizon, is going to catch up with me soon. For so many days, I have lived for myself .......... earnt and spent with solely me, myself, mine in mind. Selfish yes!
This should be among my shortest and most cryptic posts yet ...though I can never credit myself for having so much brains as to accomplish all that..... in any case ........ Sionara! (hopefully this is the correct spelling).
the correct spelling is "sayonara"...
Sayonara it is, but we get the message nevertheless ;)
I saw Taxi 9-2-11 some days back at my comp, and i somehow felt that the movie ended a bit too soon. Just when i was gearing up for fireworks, fizz and it ended.
maybe cause it was a sultry sunday afternoon.. or maybe cause a lady from citibank called up and offered a personal loan at ... hold your breath, 20% ! I was like, shocked to comatose, regrouped myself, and gave a good dressing down with a "i am getting it from other banks at 10%, so if u wish to remain in business, get ur facts right, and dont call me unless u give me 10% or less"
Inscrutable !
Best way to get over the things in u head is to watch movies. And that too before the quiz day, its add more fun.
Guess, u r good in writing cryptic messages.
I like the selfish part; and would'nt mind not changing for quite sometime. & movies before quizzes make the movies so much more better! (I saw 4 before mine :-))
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